So the first two weeks of June were pretty busy for me in Addis. The first weekend was the date that our band was playing in the local wedding. The couple were Ethiopian diaspora, living in America, who had come back to Ethiopia for their wedding. We were playing in the service, leading the worship. It was really enjoyable, it's great to be part of a music project again.
In action
Group shot!
Things were fairly busy at Bingham too, everybody getting ready for the end of term and making sure that everything was ready for the rainy season. A couple of events to highlight, firstly the talent show. Bingham has these most years, but it's always fun to see the students having a chance to perform the talents that you don't often see at school. Various musical, dramatic and other entertaining performances were given, as well as some cuter younger performances. It is also an excuse for less serious staff performances, I was involved in two silly and embarrassing acts, one dressed in a grass skirt playing ukulele with other staff, and one as part of a "staff band" as we were introduced. Some pictures follow below. It's all a good bit of banter, and the costumes had many of the students still guessing who were the staff performers.
Student performances
"Bon Johnson", the staff band
And the Caribbean Island staff act
Graduation was the next big event in the calendar, a time to celebrate the graduating class from the school. Quite a number of this class had been at Bingham since they started in KG, about 12 years ago so this was quite a momentous occasion. The graduation dinner after the ceremony was in the Hilton Hotel, which was a lovely evening. It's always great to see them all kitted out and enjoying themselves.
Saying goodbye, or see you again after summer for those returning!
Graduation ceremony
Shortly after that, I headed back home to Ireland, and the last few weeks of June I was been blessed to be back home in Ireland seeing family and friends. Bingham Academy are able to provide flights home every year, so it has been nice to be able to come home and visit everyone again. I've even managed to come out to see my sister and brother in law in New Zealand for a couple of weeks, which is where I'm writing this blog from. The weather here is much nicer than in Ireland, even though its winter! It is lovely to be here and to meet my one and a half year old nephew for the first time. He's at a very fun and entertaining stage in life. Basically I've just enjoyed being here, relaxing, not having to do too much. We've seen some nice things, I have a few pictures below:
Amazing winter weather! Better than the Irish summer so far...
Tama and Mataio
Evening sky at the harbour
Tomorrow, I head back to Ireland where I'll be until I head back to Ethiopia. I hope to be able to catch up with a few more of you then!
More pictures as always