So I've arrived safely in Addis, and have spent the first day in Bingham, I'm sitting down to write this post on their not-too-shabby fibre optic internet. Nice!!
It is amazing, there is a lot that has changed in the 3 years since I've been here, but most of it seems so familiar. The sights while driving, the crazy traffic, the occasional power cuts (which happen exactly when the football is showing). The dogs at night, the mosque in the morning, the crazy bird songs. Even the smells, from the smells of the supermarket, to the Bingham compound. All of which seem an odd thing to be enjoying, and they perhaps took some getting used to when I lived here before, but I'm realising how much I've missed it all! I've been taking it all in since I arrived, as if it were a drug. Many things have changed for the better, apparently there have been less power cuts in the last number of years, the internet is a definite improvement, the roads are making progress (although there seems to be a lot more traffic on the roads now which causes major traffic jams)
The infamous ring road, with runners and laundry galore
Traffic, which seems to have got worse. Although apparently the AU summit is in town this week which may make a difference..
First meal of Injera in 3 years. I inhaled this, it was soooo good.
Bingham Compound
The new school building work.